Here are 3 good reasons not to inject polystyrene microbeads (PSE) without a binding agent. Are the walls empty? The microbeads are tiny, between .05 and 3 mm in diameter. They are made up of 98% air and only 2% matter, therefore as light as air. A simple breath of...
Our news
Browse our news to learn more about Isolation Éco-Concept and the injection-molded insulation technology we use.
Isolation Éco-Concept – Winner 2021: Energy efficiency
Isolation Éco-concept is a 2021 recipient in the Energy Efficiency category! ENERGY EFFICIENCY A company that demonstrates a concern for the environment by prioritizing energy efficiency in its projects, subjecting them to rigorous performance evaluation and making...
Extraction of sawdust without demolition
NEW Isolation Éco-Concept is now involved in the extraction of sawdust without demolition. It is looking for customers to pilot the efficiency of its new sawdust extraction technology. But also, on the positive impacts of this new approach on families, economically...
Sustainability award: 2019
Inject-Styrène Technologie won the Sustainable Development Distinction at the 35th Contech Building Exhibition in Montreal, held in November 2019. A distinction won thanks to our Ecobill insulation product. Made from 25-50% recycled polystyrene microbeads, this new...