In order to play a major role in the field of insulation, bead-blown insulation provides complete insulation that aims to insulate without demolishing, with impressive energy efficiency. Avoiding the disposal of demolition waste and the manufacture of building materials.
General insulation contractor since 2014, Isolation Éco-Concept is a Quebec company specializing in insulation for residential, commercial, institutional and heritage buildings.

418 571-9640
RBQ: 5680-1228-01
Monday to Friday 8 à 5 Saturday and Sunday Closed
Canadian loan for greener homes
Insulation work

The Canadian Loan for Greener Homes offers interest-free financing to help Canadians improve the energy efficiency and comfort of their homes.
The loan can help you finance eligible renovations recommended by an energy advisor that have not yet been undertaken.
Loans of up to $40,000 interest-free!

APCHQ: Winner 2021
Energy efficiency
2021 recipient of Les Galons de l’APCHQ (project showcasing innovative companies in the Quebec City region), in the energy efficiency category, and a privileged member of Éco-habitation.

SINCE 2014
A story of experience
A general insulation contractor since 2014, Isolation Éco-Concept is a young Quebec company specializing in insulation concepts using injection of recycled polystyrene microbeads.
As one of the accredited members of the Inject-Styrene network, we are the main and only distributor and trainer of Inject-Styrene Technologie products.
Our services
In addition to carrying out the majority of Inject-Styrene insulation work in Quebec, we also sell the materials required for this insulation process to accredited members of the Inject-StyreneTechnologie network.
In addition, we offer advice and training to provide the tools and approaches needed for a clean and perfect execution of the injection-molded insulation process.
by injection
Injected with the help of a binder, polystyrene microbeads fill all wall cavities.
EXTRACTION of sawdust
It’s now possible to remove sawdust from your walls without demolition.
We offer advice to construction professionals and training to accredited members of the Inject-Styrene network to learn more about Inject-Styrene insulation technology.
We supply accredited network members with the equipment they need to carry out Inject-Styrene insulation.
Members and partners
Our company is a member of several associations, organizations and groups, so that we can offer you a more efficient service and a work execution method that’s more focused on your real needs. As a result, we strive to keep up to date with the latest developments, and are an important partner to many companies who help us to develop and improve our technology.
Discover for yourself the list of companies and organizations we’ve affiliated with to bring you high-performance, demolition-free insulation technology in Quebec.
without demolishing
To carry out insulation without demolition, you need the right tools and equipment. We can supply accredited members and carry out insulation work too.
Discover the equipment and tools we use to insulate your building.

Insulation products
Insulating products injected with a binder to produce effective thermal insulation.

Injection molding equipment for Inject-Styrene technology.
Our news
Browse our news to learn more about our company and our work.
Isolation Éco-Concept – Winner 2021: Energy efficiency
Isolation Éco-concept is a 2021 recipient in the Energy Efficiency category! ENERGY EFFICIENCY A company that demonstrates a concern for the...
Extraction of sawdust without demolition
NEW Isolation Éco-Concept is now involved in the extraction of sawdust without demolition. It is looking for customers to pilot the efficiency of...
Sustainability award: 2019
Inject-Styrène Technologie won the Sustainable Development Distinction at the 35th Contech Building Exhibition in Montreal, held in November 2019. A...
Recognition and distinction
Offering an insulation service that makes it possible to insulate old buildings without demolishing the walls, our company has received many awards and distinctions for its innovative and environmentally-friendly technology.

Winner 2021: Energy efficiency
2021 recipient of Les Galons de l’APCHQ (project showcasing innovative companies in the Quebec City region), in the energy efficiency category, and a privileged member of Éco-habitation.

Expo 2019 Contech: Sustainability award
Inject-Styrène Technologie won the Sustainable Development Distinction at the 35th Contech Building Exhibition in Montreal, held in November 2019.
A distinction won thanks to our Ecobill insulation product. Made from 25-50% recycled polystyrene microbeads, this new solution can be used to insulate old buildings without demolition.